General Information

Title of Program

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery; Undergraduate Program

Title of Degree

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MBBS (TGI)

Total Credits

The number of credits throughout the program is 250

Type of Program

Six-year Bachelor Degree Program

Medium of Instruction

English or Bilingual

Collaboration with Other Institutes

The program is exclusive to this institute

Type of Conferred Degree

One degree (one major)

Program Status and Endrsement/Approval

Approved/agreed by the University Council at meeting: Approved on 6th November 2023

Porfessions/Careers after Graduation

Physicians at public and private infirmaries

Instructors at public and private faculties of medicine or of health-related science

Postgraduate study at diplomate level toward becoming specialist physicians

Candidates for Master’s and Doctoral degrees in related fields


Objectives of Program

University of Medicine Taunggyi has composed this M.B.,B.S. Undergraduate Program with the objective of producing graduates who possess the following eight desired characteristics.

1. Professional knowledge and skills pursuant to the criteria of FHPC.

2. Virtue, ethics and good attitudes toward the profession and society, with awareness of the moral and legal codes of the medical practice

3. Capability of critical thinking, clinical reasoning and evidence-based medicine

4. Adherence to the comprehensive approach, while considering physical, mental and social factors and covering individuals, families and communities

5. Interpersonal communication skills as well as ability to share Health Education

6. Pursuit of self-directed learning and professional development, and information-technology literacy

7. Quality of community- and multicultural-minded doctors

8. A value placed upon good human relations and team work, and a show of leadership

Curriculum Design

Traditional Curriculum

Integrated Curriculum